Foot Pain

Perfecting 3D Foot Scanning

Perfecting 3D Foot Scanning

We recently upgraded our 3D foot scanner, which we use to take impression for custom-made foot orthoses.  The scanner allows us to capture an accurate 3D image of the foot, which we then use to design a specific orthotic prescription based on the patients foot type, injury, activity and footwear. 

Talking all Things BUNIONS

Talking all Things BUNIONS

Talking all things ‘Bunions’ with Sophie Jennings

As Podiatrists we play an important role in the early diagnosis and management of patients who may be at risk of developing bunions, or those who have already developed a bunion (also known as Hallux Valgus, Hallux Abducto Valgus or HAV). We are also equipped with the knowledge to identify those who are less likely respond to conservative management, and therefore require referral.